One of the strategies of the fluoridation lobby is to complain about all and any advertising that Fluoride Free New Zealand produces. This page contains links to our last few complaints, our Response and the Ruling by the Advertising Standards Authority.

Complaint 19-332, received 9th September 2019, concerning our billboard about a new Canadian study that found an association between fluoridated water and lowered IQ. This complaint was dismissed.

Complaint 18-291, received 10th September 2018, about a newspaper advert for a Talk by Overseas Experts on Fluoride is a Neurotoxin. The complaints were Initially partially upheld by the ASA, but our appeal was allowed by the ASA Appeal Board. Result: complaints not upheld.

Complaint 17-210, received 5th July 2017, about a Billboard featuring Dental Fluorosis:

Complaint 16-359, received 19th October 2016, about the FFNZ Give A Little page:

Complaint 16-300, received 15th August 2016, about the TV Ad Fluoride is Hazardous Waste:

Complaint 16-297, received 16th August 2016, about the TV Ad Fluoride is Hazardous Waste:

Complaint 16-285, received 15th August 2016, about the TV Ad Countries: