Dear Professor Gluckman,
1. In Health effects of water fluoridation:  A review of the scientific evidence, page 47 states that “skeletal fluorosis is the result of very high fluoride intake over long periods of time e.g  20mg per day for 20 years or more cause crippling skeletal fluorosis”.
The US Institute of Medicine,  state in Chapter 8 of their publication Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Vitamin D, and Fluoride, ( http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK109832/)
that an intake as low as 10mg a day for 10 years “is needed to produce clinical signs of the milder forms of the condition”.
Request – Please provide what  intake of fluoride over 40 years might cause first stage skeletal fluorosis.
2. In Health effects of water fluoridation:  A review of the scientific evidence, page 29 states “The recommendation for fluoride intake in adults in Australia and New Zealand is 3mg per day for women and 4mg per day for men.”
Request – Please provide what bodily requirement would be met by this intake of fluoride.
Dear Prof Gluckman,
On page 19 of the recent review “Health effects of water fluoridation: A review of the scientific evidence”, it states that “In the case of CWF, epidemiological data have been gathered and scrutinised for over six decades, and vast amount of research into its positive and negative effects have been published. Suggestions of harmful effects are put forth regularly, and the scientific and health communities regularly assess the risk with the best available laboratory and epidemiological tools”.
Please provide a list of published epidemiological studies relied on in making the above statement where the data was collected from populations exposed to CWF at 1ppm or less, that researched adverse health effects other than dental fluorosis.

Please also provide what laboratory and epidemiological tools have been used to assess the risk.

Dear Prof Gluckman,Page 5 of the recent review “Health effects of water fluoridation: A review of the scientific evidence” states that “The potential for increased bone fracture risk has also been extensively examined.  While the scientific consensus confirmed in this review that there are not significant or realistic risks, as a matter of public health surveillance, such claims continue to be studied and monitored in populations receiving fluoridated water.”

This is discussed in detail on page 48 which says “The effects of fluoride intake on fracture risk and bone strength have been studied in animals and in a large number of epidemiological studies….The weight of evidence indicates that increasing amounts of fluoride might increase bone volume, but there is less strength per unit of volume.” A bit later it says “The York Report reviewed 29 studies (all of low validity) that assessed whether there was an association between water fluoridation and bone fractures or bone development problems.  No evidence of an elevated risk of fractures could be attributed to water fluoridation at optimal levels.”

Please provide a list of all studies relied upon in this review (Health effects of water fluoridation: A review of the scientific evidence) which showed there are not significant or realistic risks for bone fractures or bone development problems when water is fluoridated at 1ppm or less.  Please note if these studies were reviewed by the York Review and if the York Review deemed them to be of low validity or not.

Please also provide a list of all programmes/studies which are monitoring populations receiving fluoridated water. Please note where in the world these monitoring programmes/studies are being carried out and what exactly they are monitoring..

Please note that “fluoridated water” is “The addition of a fluorine compound to drinking water for the purpose of reducing tooth decay” therefore only programmes/studies pertaining to populations drinking water that has had the addition of a fluorine compound to the drinking water are applicable.

I am requesting this under the Official Information Act.