I used to live in Auckland for over 30 years.

In the later 1980’s I became very ill with a mouthful of ulcers and continuous diarrhoea. My doctor was stumped. As it had been happening for several months and even with medication, was getting more serious all the time. He therefore sent me to see a Specialist at Auckland Hospital. He turned out to be the top Professor of Gastroenterology and Urology. Professor Clifton Tasman Jones. After several tests his initial thought was that I had Crohn’s disease. However, further tests it showed that I didn’t. He hadn’t any other answers and suggested I find a specialist who may be able to help. He told me it was very serious as I was constantly dehydrating however much water I was drinking. Which was a lot as I was continuously thirsty and that it was painful to eat.

An acquaintance told me of a Specialist GP that he had seen who had a lot of experience in unusual types of illnesses. I visited him and after him asking a lot of questions and studying my tests he said I had Fluoride poisoning.

He had experience of it with Calcium Fluoride a natural type of Fluoride occurring in several countries overseas. He told me to buy a reverse osmosis water filter and only drink water from it as the fluoride used in NZ water was totally artificial and came from Industrial Waste. He also gave me a Pure Water association magazine and told me to also read up anything I could find about fluoride and its effect on the body. He then asked his nurse to give me an injection and to come back in two days. After he checked my progress, the nurse gave me a second injection and asked me to come back in a week.

I initially became aware of the diarrhoea reducing and the ulcers dying down.

In the meantime, I read as much as I could about fluoride. The very first article was from a South African nurse whose patients in Africa also had the problems I had on a daily basis. As I read more, I found that fluoride is very poisonous with no known safe dose. Some dentists and dental scientists etc. proposed that a dose in the millionths of a gram per litre had no detrimental effects on the body but suggested it could be beneficial for teeth. This information came from a large American Corporation who made it as it was a hard-to-dump by-product. However, a very large number of biochemists and other members of the medical establishment didn’t, and don’t, accept this. The latest international testing has found it is detrimental to the developing brain, proven by several major studies.

As no one knows how much water each of us drinks and the amount of fluoride imbibed. How can anyone know what is a safe dose? Obviously, it wasn’t for me.
I also found that the Fluoride added to drinking water is in fact industrial waste not a naturally occurring or tested pharmaceutical product. It is an Industrial by-product. It seems it is extremely costly to dispose of. Hence the enthusiasm to promote its use in this way.
This is not the naturally occurring fluoride as is often claimed. There is nothing natural about it. As it doesn’t exist in Nature. Often it is scraped from the insides of chimneys etc.

Countless tests and trials have been done, often with the results manipulated. In most cases the tests that were favourable were conducted by companies who produce fluoride as a by-product, or people associated with them. When properly analysed there are never (including in NZ) any shown benefits from treating drinking water with it. As the above mentioned International studies have shown which are easily found.

The majority of countries don’t add it to their drinking water. In some it is banned by law. Unfortunately for me Auckland and parts of New Zealand did and it is being criminally proposed that the whole of country does. If there is any doubt of safety. DONT DO IT, especially if Children are involved. THE DAMAGE can’t be undone.

Finally, whatever happened to the clean green country we used to live in? The majority of water isn’t drunk it is used for washing, showers etc. Therefore there is a lot of waste water running onto land, into rivers, discharging into the sea etc. that is contaminated with this poison.

I wonder what the countries that don’t use it will think of our image then. Or the products they import from us processed with fluoridated water. Some of our largest customers are the nations banning it.
I personally would really like to see the proponents of this practice made to sign an agreement. That if it can be found at anytime that any harm comes through their ill-founded actions and beliefs, that they are held financially and criminally responsible. Perhaps then they would do better research and not make decisions on a whim.

A. Farndon. Taranaki.