Flaxmere, Havelock North and Hastings Campaign

UPDATE October 2019 Fluoridation has been stopped in this region since the 2016 Havelock North water contamination. Please lobby your councillors to keep fluoridation out.

How to become involved:


Flaxmere, Havelock North and Hastings Fluoridation Information


What was the outcome of the 2015 Long Term Plan on the fluoridation issue?

Hastings held a referendum in 2013.


What parts of Flaxmere, Havelock North and Hastings are fluoridated?

All parts of the Hastings, Flaxmere and Havelock North water supply are fluoridated.



What fluoride chemicals are used to fluoridate Flaxmere, Havelock North and Hastings’s water supply?

IXOM (formerly Orica) supplies Hydrofluorosilicic Acid H2SiF6 to Council to fluoridate.


What level is Flaxmere, Havelock North and Hastings fluoridated at?

The target is 0.7 g/m3.



Where is the waste water for Flaxmere, Havelock North and Hastings discharged?

To Hawke Bay via the East Clive wastewater treatment plant.



Is there a Resource consent for the discharge of fluoridation chemicals into the TBC?

The resource consent contains a list of analytes for testing as per Schedule 1.


Hastings Analysis


Can you provide the section of the consent that permits?

This activity does not require resource consent under the RMA.



Is there a Resource Consent held by Council to add Hydrofluorosilicic Acid to Flaxmere, Havelock North and Hastings’ water supplies?

This activity does not require resource consent under the RMA.


How much per annum is spent on Hydrofluorosilicic acid?

Total expenditure for the period 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015 was $17,062.75 ex GST.



How much per annum is spent on implementing water fluoridation?

Total expenditure for the period 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015 was $19,864 ex GST therefore excluding bulk fluoride purchase costs = $2,800.



How much per annum is spent on testing the levels of water fluoridation?

5 samples @ $92.50/week x 52 weeks = $4,810 ex GST.



How much does it cost per Tonne of Hydrofluorosilicic Acid?

Liquid (at 18%) per 1000 litres is $398.34 ex GST.



How many Tonne of Hydrofluorosilicic Acid is added into Flaxmere, Havelock North and Hastings’ shared environment?

Typical annual average consumption is approximately 12,500,000 m3

At 0.7 g/m3 the amount of hydrofluorosilicic acid added to the water supply per annum is 8750 kg. or approx. 24 kg per day.



How frequent is the levels of fluoride in the water tested?

Frequency of testing as per NZ Drinking Water Standards is weekly.



Who performs the testing?

Testing is carried out by an IANZ accredited laboratory.



When did fluoridation begin in Flaxmere, Havelock North and Hastings and has there been any public consultation since beginning?

Fluoridation started in mid 1953.


June 24th, 2015

Fountain HB

Hawkes Bay Today Press Release 24 June 2015

“Fountain pleases anti-fluoride lobby”

Anti-fluoride campaigners have welcomes the new signage alerting Hastings residents to the fountain in the central city that provides untreated drinking water from the pristine Heretaunga Aquifer.

The Hastings Fluoride Free group commended the Hastings District Council for the signage on the Pure Aquifer Water Fountain and filling station, on the corner of Eastbourne and Warren Streets in Hastings.

The group said that since the fountain was installed in March, many different people had taken their containers to the fountain to be filled.

‘It is great to be able to access water that has no added fluoride’ anti-fluoride campaigner Angela Hair said. ‘People who are sensitive to fluoride and choose to drink natural Heretaunga water without added fluoride are using the fountain on a regular basis. There is a hose attachment for those with big containers and two other taps for filling drinking bottles.’

A diagram on the back of the fountain showed how a pump was used to deliver the water, separate from the city’s fluoridated water supply, to the fountain, Hair said.

About two-thirds of Hastings voters were in favour of the continued fluoridation of the city’s water supply in a referendum held in 2013 during local government elections.

The council decided last June to spend $30,000 to provide filling stations at two bores – one located in the city and another in Frimley – to appease residents who objected to drinking the city’s fluoridated water.

The station in Frimley on Lyndhurst Rd, which is already being used but will only be marked by a post and without the colourful signage, could soon be out of order for 6-8 weeks due to works unrelated to the bore.

However, council said it would talk to the tender winner about temporarily relocating the tap while the work is being done. “Either way the tap will be reinstated after the work is completed”, a council spokeswoman said.


January 9th, 2011 Update in Hawke’s Bay Today on Paul Connett’s visit to Hawke’s Bay next month.

July 28th, 2011: The Council voted unanimously to put fluoridation to a referendum in conjunction with the 2013 local body elections.

Hastings District Council to Report in July 2011 on Consultation Options

Angela Hair was given a whole half an hour to present her 2011/2012 draft Annual Plan submission to the Council, which was very generous of the Mayor.  The council staff are in the process of putting together a report on how the Council should consult with the people of Hastings, Havelock North and Flaxmere. The question that will face the councillors will be if they should have a referendum or whether they can make the decision themselves. A referendum wouldn’t be until the 2013 local body elections.

April 5th, 2011:  Presentation by world leading fluoridation expert, U.S. Prof Emeritus Paul Connett to Hastings District Council – meeting was open to public.

April 4th, 2011:  Public meeting and presentation by Paul Connett at Havelock North Community Centre.

January 2011 – Use excellent new Hastings No Fluoride site for all Hastings fluoridation information.

December 4th, 2010: Protest Plea to Mayor – Hawkes Bay Today

Great protest in Hastings where at least 50 people turned up to give the mayor bottles and jars of water with a sticker containing the following:

Warning : This Hastings water contains Hydrofluorosilicic Acid

Repeated and prolonged exposure may result in fluorosis
Avoid contaminating waterways
Dispose of this material through a licenced waste contractor
Decontamination and destruction of containers should be considered


Early in 1990, a Council decision resulted in fluoride being removed from the water supply in Hastings City. However, a referendum took place in November 1990, and fluoridation at 1 ppm was reinstated. Hastings City has since remained fluoridated.

2010: A referendum was discussed at a Council meeting:

There was strong advocacy to hold a referendum from Councillors Anne Wilson-Hunt,  Henare O’Keefe, Keriana Poulain, Rod Heaps and Mayor Yule to allow the people of Hastings to have a say as to whether fluoride should remain in the Hastings water supply.

Councillor Bowers put to Council that the status quo should remain with Council officers talking with DHB to reduce the amount of fluoride in the water (0.7mg/L was suggested). This has still not been undertaken two months after the decision was made.

Councillors Norm Speers, Tania Kerr, Mandy Kimber, Robert Burnside, Cynthia Bowers, Derek Brownrigg, Kevin Watkins voted for the status quo (i.e. continued fluoridation of Hastings, Havelock North and Flaxmere water) while Councillors Anne Wilson Hunt,  Henare O’Keefe, Keriana Poulain, Rod Heaps, Wayne Bradshaw and Mayor Yule voted against the motion.

June 30, 2010: Concern for babies sees reduction in fluoride – Hawke’s Bay Today


Concern for Babies